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Calculator xCalc
Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 7, 2023


This Privacy Policy describes how information is collected, used and protected in Calculator xCalc and hereinafter referred to as “xCalc”, a calculator application developed by Galo Valencia - xSafe.Me © 2023

Data Collection: xCalc does not collect any personally identifiable data from users. No personal information is requested or stored.


Data usage: xCalc does not use any user data. The app is a simple calculator that runs locally on the device and does not perform any tracking or analysis of user activity.


Data sharing: Since xCalc does not collect or use user data, no information is shared with third parties.


Security: We are committed to protecting the privacy of xCalc users. We implement reasonable measures to safeguard information and ensure the security of the application.


Privacy Policy Changes: We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. It is recommended that you review this page periodically to be aware of any changes. By using xCalc, you agree to this Privacy Policy.


Contact us: If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at info@xSafe.Me

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